Jacuzzi® Knowledge Hub

Jacuzzi® Knowledge Hub

Taking care of your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub isn’t strenuous or time-consuming, but there are a few essential steps to keep it clean and running smoothly. Here’s our Jacuzzi® Hot Tub Chemical Expert’s top 3 tips for maintaining your Tub; from how to clean the water to changing your Jacuzzi® filters. Make sure you’re enjoying your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub for many years to come.

Knowledge Hub: Keeping Your Jacuzzi® Water Clean

As warm water attracts more bacterial growth than cold water, you need to ensure the water in your Hot Tub is sanitised on a regular basis to avoid build-up of dirt and mould.

It needs to be sanitised on a regular basis using Jacuzzi® Bromine Granules or Jacuzzi® Chlorine Granules. If you don’t regularly sanitise your Hot Tub water, the quality will quickly deteriorate. This will result in bacterial growth, cloudy water and even white mould. These problems can be time-consuming to rectify and, in some cases, you will need to completely drain the Hot Tub and replace it with clean water.

We also recommend using Jacuzzi® Bromine Tablets and Jacuzzi® Chlorine Tablets with a floating dispenser. This will ensure that your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub is continually being dosed with sanitiser. This is a slow release process and will need supplementing with granules. The aim is to maintain 3-5ppm of sanitiser in your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub.   

There are two ways of using Jacuzzi® Bromine or Jacuzzi® Chlorine to clean your water:

  1. You can sprinkle the granulated form of sanitiser into your Hot Tub until the water reaches the acceptable level for bathing, typically between 3-5ppm. The amount of granules you need to use will depend on how many people have been using the Hot Tub, how long for and how much organic matter is present within the Spa.
  2. You can use Jacuzzi® Bromine Tablets or Jacuzzi® Chlorine Tablets. You simply add a tablet to the dispenser and the tablet will slowly release the sanitiser into the water. This will clean the water and leave it looking crystal clear. As it’s a slow release of sanitiser, you may need to supplement with granules if the sanitiser levels are showing as low on the test strips.

We recommend testing the Hot Tub water before you enter to ensure the water is safe. Follow up with a test on exit to approximate the amount of sanitiser that was used in that session, and the replace it if required to maintain acceptable bathing levels of 3-5ppm.

Our Jacuzzi® Hot Tub chemical experts believe it’s vital to test your water every day with one of the Hot Tub test strips. This keeps your water quality at an optimum level, regardless of how often you use your Hot Tub.

Knowledge Hub: Cleaning Your Jacuzzi Filters

Now you own a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub, you need to purchase Jacuzzi® filters that fit your chosen model to keep the water clean. Dirty Jacuzzi® water is pumped through the Jacuzzi® filter and clean water is pumped out through the Jacuzzi® jets.

An advantage to these Jacuzzi® filters is they last for roughly 12 months before they need to be replaced. We recommend that you clean your Jacuzzi® filters on a weekly basis to ensure they are pumping through clean, warm water.

We recommend that you purchase a second set, rotating your dirty set at the end of the month and soaking them in Jacuzzi® Filter Cleaner for 24 hours. Once cleaned, rinse them off the next day and put them in the garage to dry. Repeat the process again at the end of the month.

Dirty Jacuzzi® filters can cause a range of problems for your Hot Tub:

  • The water becomes dirty and can lead to you using more sanitiser.
  • It can put a strain on other parts of your Hot Tub, as debris that isn’t getting captured in the filter can get clogged in mechanisms, such as the heaters and pumps, leading to faults and potential damage.
  • It can cause less power to come through the pumps, heater and jets, so you can’t enjoy a complete hydrotherapy experience.

Over a period of time, depending on usage, you will build up organic material that will not be removed by your sanitiser. You will then need to use Jacuzzi® Non-Chlorine Shock. This will help clarify your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub water. Do not bathe in your Jacuzzi® for 40 minutes after the dosage is applied. Leave the Jacuzzi® ProLast Cover off for 40 minutes to allow the gas to be released.

Your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub water at some point will produce foam. This results from detergents and deodorants, and it is nothing to worry about. This can be removed by using Jacuzzi® No Foam.

Ensure that the pH level of the water is maintained at neutral and adjust accordingly. If you allow your pH to raise above 8.5, calcium carbonate will precipitate out and leave a rough white deposit on your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub. This can be prevented by using Jacuzzi® pH Minus and Jacuzzi® pH Plus. If you find deposits on your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub, scrub with Jacuzzi® No Scale.

Knowledge Hub: Changing The Water In Your Jacuzzi Hot Tub

As well as changing Jacuzzi® filters, it’s important that you change the water in your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub on a regular basis. As you sanitise your Hot Tub, eventually sanitiser particles will no longer fully dissolve and build up in the water. These are called Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). This is when you will need to drain your Hot Tub and refill it with clean water.

How often you use your Hot Tub adjusts the frequency with which you need to change the water. The more often you use it, the amount of times you need to sanitise the water  increases, which leads to the build-up of TDS.

We recommend changing the water on a 3 month basis and to keep checking the water regularly. If you go through periods where you use your Hot Tub more frequently, such as during the summer, it is best to increase the frequency with which you are changing the water.

As we mentioned, maintaining a Hot Tub is not strenuous and doesn’t take time away from you enjoying your Spa. By ensuring that you check, clean and change the water on a regular basis, you will be able to enjoy your Hot Tub for a long time to come.

Want to kickstart your Jacuzzi® care?

J200 2025 Starter Pack Bromine square

Purchase the ‘Everything You Need’ Jacuzzi® Chemical Pack

Taking care of your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub isn’t strenuous or time-consuming, but there are a few essential steps to keep it clean and running smoothly. Here’s our Jacuzzi® Hot Tub Chemical Expert’s top 3 tips for maintaining your Tub; from how to clean the water to changing your Jacuzzi® filters. Make sure you’re enjoying your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub for many years to come.

Knowledge Hub: Keeping Your Jacuzzi® Water Clean

As warm water attracts more bacterial growth than cold water, you need to ensure the water in your Hot Tub is sanitised on a regular basis to avoid build-up of dirt and mould.

It needs to be sanitised on a regular basis using Jacuzzi® Bromine Granules or Jacuzzi® Chlorine Granules. If you don’t regularly sanitise your Hot Tub water, the quality will quickly deteriorate. This will result in bacterial growth, cloudy water and even white mould. These problems can be time-consuming to rectify and, in some cases, you will need to completely drain the Hot Tub and replace it with clean water.

We also recommend using Jacuzzi® Bromine Tablets and Jacuzzi® Chlorine Tablets with a floating dispenser. This will ensure that your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub is continually being dosed with sanitiser. This is a slow release process and will need supplementing with granules. The aim is to maintain 3-5ppm of sanitiser in your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub.   

There are two ways of using Jacuzzi® Bromine or Jacuzzi® Chlorine to clean your water:

  1. You can sprinkle the granulated form of sanitiser into your Hot Tub until the water reaches the acceptable level for bathing, typically between 3-5ppm. The amount of granules you need to use will depend on how many people have been using the Hot Tub, how long for and how much organic matter is present within the Spa.
  2. You can use Jacuzzi® Bromine Tablets or Jacuzzi® Chlorine Tablets. You simply add a tablet to the dispenser and the tablet will slowly release the sanitiser into the water. This will clean the water and leave it looking crystal clear. As it’s a slow release of sanitiser, you may need to supplement with granules if the sanitiser levels are showing as low on the test strips.

We recommend testing the Hot Tub water before you enter to ensure the water is safe. Follow up with a test on exit to approximate the amount of sanitiser that was used in that session, and the replace it if required to maintain acceptable bathing levels of 3-5ppm.

Our Jacuzzi® Hot Tub chemical experts believe it’s vital to test your water every day with one of the Hot Tub test strips. This keeps your water quality at an optimum level, regardless of how often you use your Hot Tub.

Knowledge Hub: Cleaning Your Jacuzzi Filters

Now you own a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub, you need to purchase Jacuzzi® filters that fit your chosen model to keep the water clean. Dirty Jacuzzi® water is pumped through the Jacuzzi® filter and clean water is pumped out through the Jacuzzi® jets.

An advantage to these Jacuzzi® filters is they last for roughly 12 months before they need to be replaced. We recommend that you clean your Jacuzzi® filters on a weekly basis to ensure they are pumping through clean, warm water.

We recommend that you purchase a second set, rotating your dirty set at the end of the month and soaking them in Jacuzzi® Filter Cleaner for 24 hours. Once cleaned, rinse them off the next day and put them in the garage to dry. Repeat the process again at the end of the month.

Dirty Jacuzzi® filters can cause a range of problems for your Hot Tub:

  • The water becomes dirty and can lead to you using more sanitiser.
  • It can put a strain on other parts of your Hot Tub, as debris that isn’t getting captured in the filter can get clogged in mechanisms, such as the heaters and pumps, leading to faults and potential damage.
  • It can cause less power to come through the pumps, heater and jets, so you can’t enjoy a complete hydrotherapy experience.

Over a period of time, depending on usage, you will build up organic material that will not be removed by your sanitiser. You will then need to use Jacuzzi® Non-Chlorine Shock. This will help clarify your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub water. Do not bathe in your Jacuzzi® for 40 minutes after the dosage is applied. Leave the Jacuzzi® ProLast Cover off for 40 minutes to allow the gas to be released.

Your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub water at some point will produce foam. This results from detergents and deodorants, and it is nothing to worry about. This can be removed by using Jacuzzi® No Foam.

Ensure that the pH level of the water is maintained at neutral and adjust accordingly. If you allow your pH to raise above 8.5, calcium carbonate will precipitate out and leave a rough white deposit on your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub. This can be prevented by using Jacuzzi® pH Minus and Jacuzzi® pH Plus. If you find deposits on your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub, scrub with Jacuzzi® No Scale.

Knowledge Hub: Changing The Water In Your Jacuzzi Hot Tub

As well as changing Jacuzzi® filters, it’s important that you change the water in your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub on a regular basis. As you sanitise your Hot Tub, eventually sanitiser particles will no longer fully dissolve and build up in the water. These are called Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). This is when you will need to drain your Hot Tub and refill it with clean water.

How often you use your Hot Tub adjusts the frequency with which you need to change the water. The more often you use it, the amount of times you need to sanitise the water  increases, which leads to the build-up of TDS.

We recommend changing the water on a 3 month basis and to keep checking the water regularly. If you go through periods where you use your Hot Tub more frequently, such as during the summer, it is best to increase the frequency with which you are changing the water.

As we mentioned, maintaining a Hot Tub is not strenuous and doesn’t take time away from you enjoying your Spa. By ensuring that you check, clean and change the water on a regular basis, you will be able to enjoy your Hot Tub for a long time to come.

Want to kickstart your Jacuzzi® care?

J200 2025 Starter Pack Bromine square

Purchase the ‘Everything You Need’ Jacuzzi® Chemical Pack